On Friday, January 7, 2011 5:19:10 PM UTC, Joe0418 wrote:
> Greetings!
> I've been spending the past few weeks learning django and love it!  I'm
> running into a snag though...
> I'm using just one template for all my toying right now, and it has a few
> sections in it that looks something like this:
> {% if user.username %}
> <center><h3>Welcome {{ user.username }}!</h3></center>
> {% else %}
> <center>
> <h3>Welcome anonymous user!</h3>
> <h2>Please  /login/ login </h2>
> </center>
> {% endif %}
> -- and --
> {% for link in link_list %}
> {{ link.href }} {{ link.name }} 
> {% if not forloop.last %} 
> | 
> {% endif %}
> {% endfor %}
> I have around a dozen views, and I'm noticing that in each of my views I'm
> having to do something like:
> return render_to_response('base.html', {  #various logic
> 'link_list': link_list,
> 'user': request.user  })
> I have link_list defined in another file, so each function can handle that
> properly.  The problem creeps up on the 'user': request.user logic though. 
> Instead of having to have this line of code in EVERY return statement, I'd
> rather just define it once in a dictionary at the top of my views.py page 
> or
> in another file, with something like this:
> dictionary_of_variables = {'user': request.user, 'link_list': link_list,
> #various other global things}
> I'd also like to just return something like this in each of my functions:
> business_logic_variable = "some business logic"
> dictionary_of_variables['template_variable'] = business_logic_variable
> return render_to_response('base.html', dictionary_of_variables)
> HOWEVER: I can't do that because request.user is out of the scope of a
> 'request' that you would typically pass to a view function.  My specific
> error is: 
> name 'request' is not defined
> Is there a workaround for this sort of logic?  I don't mind returning it in
> my 10 or so functions that I have right now, but when my webpage grows to
> hundreds of functions & pages, it would be much better to globally define
> this variable.
> Thanks for your reply!

Context processors are what you need.

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