Try to reduce the queries on your view, select_related won't help a lot if
using Thread model, try to collect Pun values on your view first and group them
by thread, itertools.groupby could be handy in this case. Try something like:

threads = Thread.objects.select_related('user').filter(...)
thread_ids = [ for th in threads]
Pun.objects.select_related('thread', 'author').filter(thread__in=thread_ids)

Then group Pun by thread and use that on your template.

Makes sense?


Excerpts from Matt Henderson's message of Wed Jan 12 13:32:37 -0200 2011:
> Hello,
> I'm new to django, and set up a website recently, ( I was hoping 
> someone might be able to explain how to optimise database calls because at 
> the moment some pages are taking 5 seconds before django responds.
> I'll summarise the scenario below:
> # models
> class Thread(models.Model) :
>   ... bunch of fields including title, description, author (linked to User)
> class Pun(models.Model) :
>   thread        =   models.ForeignKey(Thread)
>   author        =   models.ForeignKey(User)
>   ... other fields like content etc.
> class Like(models.Model) :
>   liker         =   models.ForeignKey(User)
>   pun           =   models.ForeignKey(Pun)
> So there are puns in threads, and users can like puns. 
> The view which lists latest threads is particularly slow. It sends threads 
> to the template, and the template loops through threads and inside it loops 
> through the puns which are in that thread. in pseudo code:
> for thread in threads 
>     for pun in thread.pun_set
>         output pun.content
> But I reckon that makes way to many calls to the database. I think I ought 
> to use select_related , but I tried it and it didn't speed it up.
> Thanks for any help,
> Matt
Matías Aguirre <>

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