On Jan 12, 7:18 am, Mike Dewhirst <mi...@dewhirst.com.au> wrote:
> OK - so we need an intro to the documention which describes the timeline
> of a typical* developer transitioning from beginner to guru and the docs
> which should be of interest at successive stages during that transition.
> *typical - I know there ain't such a person. However, there ought to be
> a "target audience" the Django Foundation wants to reach. That person
> becomes the target audience for the intro and gets described in the
> intro to the intro.
> If the intro works other "typical" devs can be described for alternative
> intros. Too meta huh?
> Problem is there are too many small operators who need more than Django.
> Such as aesthetic guidance, CSS etc etc
> It's a quite daunting curve but really all anyone needs is to know where
> to find the docs appropriate to their current stage.
> How about a survey where people tick boxes which describe where they
> currently sit on the continuum so that existing gurus can see how the
> first "typical" dev can be described.

I wonder if anyone keeps track of categories of questions asked
on this list and on stackoverflow. Something like:

In last 2 years:

total: x questions

admin:  250/x
views: ...
templates: ...

(but with more detailed subcategories).

If anyone has done this, please share because this would be
very useful to all django doc/tutorial authors.


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