> conn = pyodbc.connect(r"DRIVER={FreeTDS};SERVER=testserver
> \mssql2008;DATABASE=eoffice;UID=erp;PWD=123")

Thanks for your reply, David!
You gave me great advice!
As you suggest, now I my connection is fine!
But there is one another problem occurred!
When I run the Select query, result is non unicode data while select
query reads nvarchar column from mssql database. My code is below:
        import pyodbc
        conn = pyodbc.connect(r'DRIVER={FreeTDS};SERVER=testserver
        crms = conn.cursor()
        crms.execute('SELECT cc_Name FROM tblHR_CodeClass')
        for line in crms:
            print 'cc_Name: %s' % (line.cc_Name)
Result is 'cc_Name: ?????, ???'. But I expected the result would be
'cc_Name: Aймаг, хот' because actual data is 'Aймаг, хот'.

Here is my question: Does the pyodbc library support Unicode?


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