Django-0.95, with Oracle backend patch (latest: 3496?) applied.
Python 2.4 on Linux
Oracle XE and Oracle 10gR2

When I try to run syncdb using the Oracle backend, I reliably get the
following error (last part of traceback only, let me know if I should
post the whole traceback):

  File "django/db/backends/oracle/", line 70, in execute
    return Database.Cursor.execute(self, query, params)
cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-00911: invalid character

I get this error whether I configure to use an Oracle XE (10g) instance
or Oracle 10gR2 instance. If I do a "sqlall" and run the resulting file
using sqlplus, I don't get this error. (I DO get some
identifier-too-long errors, but if I edit the output of sqlall, those
go away.)

The main question is: How can I get syncdb to work without tracing

A second question: What are my options with respect to long
identifiers? So far, it's just in the constraint names. For example:

type_id_referencing_trips_actype_id FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES
trips_actype (id);

The constraint name (optional in Oracle) tries to be
type_id_referencing_trips_actype_id but Oracle has a maximum allowed
length of 30 characters.

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