On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Brian Neal <bgn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 3, 6:04 am, Marc Aymerich <glicer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Marc Aymerich <glicer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > I just installed the django-admin-tools app but my django installation
>> > doesn't load the css, js and other static files.
>> > in settings.py I have:
>> > STATIC_ROOT = '/home/ucp/trunk/static/'
>> > STATIC_URL = '/static/'
>> > and when i try to load
>> >http://localhost:8081/static/admin_tools/css/dashboard.cssI get a
>> > "page not found" error :(
>> > but this file seems to be in the right directory and have read
>> > permisons for my user!
>> > /home/ucp/trunk/static/admin_tools/css/dashboard.css
>> > what I'm missing?
>> I solve it setting staticfiles_dirs var:
>> STATICFILES_DIRS = ('/home/ucp/trunk/static/',)
> STATIC_ROOT is the location of where the management command is going
> to place all the static files it collects. So normally (?) I think
> you'll want STATIC_ROOT to be a different directory than what you put
> in STATICFILES_DIRS. Think of it this way: your non-app specific
> static files will appear in a directory that is listed in
> STATICFILES_DIRS, your app-specifc files typically would appear under
> your_app/static, and all of the static files will be copied to
> STATIC_ROOT after running the management command. In production, you'd
> likely configure your server to serve files out of STATIC_ROOT.
> Hope that helps,

Thanks Brian, now I understand what is STATIC_ROOT and STATICFILES_DIRS :)


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