On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Pascal Germroth <funkyco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to Django, but since this project will take a while I'm already
> using 1.3 alpha since it will probably be released when I'm done…
> As I understand it, the preferred method now are class-based views. But
> I seem to be missing some kind of AuthenticationMixin… right now, have
> to override `dispatch`, add the authentication decorator as one would
> for function views, and call super.
> To make things a bit easier, I'm about to write my own mixin for that so
> I only have to provide a method that checks if credentials are OK.
> Or am I doing this completely wrong?

You're not doing anything wrong -- you've hit one of the slightly
sharp corners of class-based generic views.

You can still use a decorator -- but at the point of deploying a view.


You can't decorate the MyView class itself -- Django doesn't provide
the tools to turn a view decorator into a class decorator.

As you've noticed, you can override the dispatch to decorate the view
as required, and if you have a common authentication pattern, you can
put that logic into a mixin.

In a general sense, the problem that Django has as a project is that
while login_required is a very common decorator for checking
authentication, it isn't the *only* decorator that can be used.

Authentication -- and decorating views in general -- is a fairly
common patterns, though, so we obviously need to do something to
address this. There have been a couple of discussions about the best
way to implement that feature. However, these discussions are a work
in progress. In the interim, a mixin is probably the best approach.

Russ Magee %-)

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