>   SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (1, 3, 2) ORDER BY
>        FIELD( id, 1, 3, 2 )

I got it to work, but I had to borrow .extra(where=[]), which I
consider a spectacular design failure of the .extra(order_by=[])

Firstly, I TDD using SQLite3, so I had to write code to build either
FIELD( id, 1, 3, 2 ) for MySQL, or (CASE id WHEN 1 THEN 0 WHEN 3 THEN
1 WHEN 2 THEN 2 END) for SQLite3.

Then I attack the query builder like this:

  items = items.extra(where=['1=1) ORDER BY (' + order_by_string])

I don't understand why .extra(order_by) has the same "conveniences" as
the .order_by() builder. It insisted on parsing my string instead of
simply appending it.

> --
>   Phlip
>  http://zeekland.zeroplayer.com/

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