For me it takes more than a week to solve it alone... So to the point, is it possible to merge two querysets and sort it as well? Recently I've used itertools, but it returns a table with duplicated value and requested objects not properly displayed (the get_full_name displayed separately with other, creating a new row)
here's the codes def view_siswa(request): # list_detail.object_list, {"queryset": Data_Siswa.objects.all(), "template_name": "views/view-siswa-list.html"} namasiswa = User.objects.all().exclude(is_staff='false') datasiswa = Data_Siswa.objects.all().order_by('kode_nis') query = chain(datasiswa, namasiswa) variables = RequestContext(request, {'siswa':query,}) # variables = RequestContext(request, {'siswa':datasiswa,}) return render_to_response( 'views/view-siswa-list.html', # { 'siswa':namasiswa, 'datasiswa': datasiswa, } variables, ) template {% for object in siswa %} <tr> <td scope="row"class="spec">{{ object.username }}</td> <td scope="row">{{ object.kode_nis }}</td> <td scope="row">{{ object.first_name }}</td> <td scope="row">{{ object.kode_jurusan }}</td> <td scope="row" width="20px"><a href="/jurnal/siswa/ {{ }}/">Lihat</a></td> <td scope="row" width="20px">Edit</td> </tr> {% endfor %} Muchly appreciated any help... btw I'm new in Django Regards Rian -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at