Hey Guys,

I've got a problem with FormWizard and FormPreview and I need some the

First let me give you a quick view of the situation. What i'm looking
for is a FormWizard with multiple steps and on the last step a
FormPreview with all the data from the FromWizard. I think this a very
common situation, can't imagine i'm the only person who needs this.
But the problem is that:

    * FormWizard does not accept FormPreview as a step
    * FormPreview can not be based on a FormWizard (only on a single

So as you can see I hit a dead end and need some direction or feedback
to try some new things.

My question is:
    - How do you guys solve this situation?
    - Is there maybe a common workform for this problem?

Thanks a million!

Greets Merijn

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