Rule number one of any html:
Only one form per page!

I would recommend the usage of template_tags / include tag to control the
usage of only one form or the usage of 2 different base.html.
Since I'm a strong supporter of DRY I wouldn't 2 different types of
base.html but would control the encoding of the base.html form through

lazy example:


{% if some_param  %}
{%end if%}

2011/3/9 maciekjbl <>

> Hi,
> My problem is how can I separate two request on the same site. This
> situation is caused by text field in base template and form in another
> template which extends base.
> My
> def search(request):
>    if 'q' in request.GET:
>        term = request.GET['q']
>        prod =
> Producent.objects.filter(Q(nazwa_producenta__contains=term))
>    context = {
>        'producent' : prod,
>    }
>    return render_to_response(
>        'promocje/producent_search.html',
>        context,
>        context_instance = RequestContext(request),
>    )
> def lista_promocji(request, slug):
>    producent = get_object_or_404(Producent, slug=slug)
>    promo = PromocjaFilter(request.GET,
> queryset=Promocja.objects.filter(producent=producent))
>    return render_to_response(
>        'promocje/producent_detail.html',
>        {"promo" : promo, "prod" : producent }
>    )
> My base template :
>  <form action="{% url promocje-search %}" method="get">
>  <a href="{% url promocje-list %}"> Strona Główna </a> &bull;
>  <lable for="q">Wyszukaj Producenta:</label> <input type="text"
> name="q">
> My second template with form (lista_promocji):
>  <form action="" method="GET">
>        {{ promo.form.as_p }}
>        <input type="submit" value="Filtruj" />
>    </form>
> Now when I try to use form to filter content it triggers input in base
> template and I get search view insted of filterd site.
> --
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