I guess what is the point of having a default manager?

So if the default manager isn't named objects, then how does the code
know where the default lives?

Without the default (non-custom) manager, how is the code able to
support commonly used operations such as model.objects.filter(...)?

Basically, it seems the default manager should always be the one that
normally lives in objects at all time since it is guaranteed to
support a subset of commonly used database operations.

Sorry, this discussion is actually spawning many more questions, but I
think I'm getting closer. I just wish Django had a nice documentation
system like Javadocs. The docs available at Django seems to  introduce
you on how to use the class/feature more than explain what each method

On Mar 14, 2:33 pm, Shawn Milochik <sh...@milochik.com> wrote:
> I also have a copy of that book, and I believe that what you're
> referring to pages 197 and 198.
> Here is what the authors are doing there:
>     1. Creating a special manager that does one thing -- return a
> filtered subset of the model instances.
>     2. Creating a replacement 'objects' manager since otherwise the
> custom manager would become the default (and only) manager.
> The reason for this is not because you *have to* always have a manager
> named 'objects.' The reason is that the custom manager created in that
> example was a specialized one that is only useful for certain
> situations. So you need a "normal" one for everything else. Also, that
> "normal" one has to be declared as the first manager in the model
> because Django apps (including the admin) will take the first manager
> as the default.
> To answer your question specifically, if you create a custom manager
> (and name it anything other than 'objects') in your model, then your
> model will not have an 'objects.' However, the Django admin (and any
> other software which uses the default manager instead of hard-coding
> 'objects' in the querysets) will work fine. Other code will have to
> refer to the name you gave your manager.
> Shawn

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