I found the basics for this by googling around, and I can't remember
where I got it, but thanks to whomever gave me the basics because it
is very useful.  Put this in your middleware and it will make the mail
that you receive have the name of the user and their email:

class ExceptionUserInfoMiddleware(object):
    Adds user details to request context on receiving an exception, so
that they show up in the error emails.
    Add to settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and keep it outermost(i.e. on
top if possible). This allows
    it to catch exceptions in other middlewares as well.


    def process_exception(self, request, exception):
        Process the exception.

        - `request`: request that caused the exception
        - `exception`: actual exception being raised

            if request.user.is_authenticated():
                request.META['USERNAME'] = str(request.user.username)
                request.META['USER_EMAIL'] = str(request.user.email)
                request.META['USERNAME'] = "UNKNOWN"
                request.META['USER_EMAIL'] = "UNKNOWN"
            request.META['USERNAME'] = "UNKNOWN"
            request.META['USER_EMAIL'] = "UNKNOWN"

And for the record, I of course agree that being able to google and
then adapt things is very important.  But this is a common need so it
seems worthwhile to post it explicitly to help the django community.


On Mar 16, 11:49 am, Shawn Milochik <sh...@milochik.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:47 PM, emonk <elmonke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm tired of searching and found many examples of middleware but not the one
> > I seek
> You almost certainly will not find the exact code you need to cut &
> paste. You need to read the examples you did find and learn something.
> Use that knowledge to write what you need. That's what the rest of us
> do.
> Shawn

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