I have a Django app for a shopping cart, and another for checkout (checkout
form, payment gateway, order processing). I would really like for these to
be completely decoupled but am having a hard time coming up with a solution
that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

Here is a simplification:

Checkout is fed line item data (sku, description, qty, price) where a line
item might represent a product, shipping, tax, a discount--anything. This is
the only data checkout needs. Now, the cart has all of this information. So
my current implementations of these applications has the checkout app
depending on the cart to feed it that data. I would checkout to be able to
be fed the line items in a more generic abstract way, but, without having a
redundancy when the cart application is used with it.

I cannot feed checkout with data in a POST or session because you don't want
prices floating around where people could change them. So the data has to be
fed from the DB based on an id stored in the session (wow, that sounds a lot
like a cart, doesn't it!). The goal would be that I could pair the checkout
app with the cart app and it works like it does now, but, also be able to
use the checkout app on sites that don't need a cart at all (say, somebody
who sells one product, accepts donations, one event registration at a time,


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