2011/3/16 Daniel Roseman <dan...@roseman.org.uk>:
> On Wednesday, March 16, 2011 5:37:23 PM UTC, Vinicius Massuchetto wrote:
>> I want to customize the DateTimeField returned in an admin list
>> column. I know there's the DATETIME_FORMAT setting, but I only want to
>> change in one model. I'lm also using L10N, and couldn't figure out if
>> there's a way to override what's in the default po file for my
>> language.
>> What's the right way of doing that? Please note that I want to
>> preserve the sorting feature of this column.

> Create a custom admin method that returns the formatted value, and specify
> that in the `list_display` method. Make sure you set the `admin_order_field`
> property on the method to preserve the ordering functionality.
>     class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>         list_display = ('name', 'my_date_display')
>         def my_date_display(self, obj):
>             return obj.my_date_field.strftime('your-display-format')
>         my_date_display.admin_order_field = 'my_date_field'

Awesome. Thanks.

Vinicius Massuchetto

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