On Friday, March 18, 2011 2:08:02 AM UTC, django beginner wrote:
> Hi Django users,
> I am having some dilemma over converting simple admin page *Template*(without 
> having to use the built in django-admin functionality) by using 
> forms, and not templates, I have the following sample Admin page that allows 
> users to add, edit and delete record per row* to Forms*: (Edit and Delete 
> will be links that will be directed to designated forms)
> *table.html:* (/timetable)
> *Booking ID   Golf Club           Status   *
> 1                 Country Golf      Pending        Edit  Delete
> 2                 Pacific Harbour  Cancelled      Edit  Delete
> 3                 Pacific Dunes    Booked         Edit Delete
> 4                 Peninsula          Booked         Edit Delete
> -----------------------
> *Model:*
> class Booking(models.Model):
>     bookingId = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
>     golfClubName = models.CharField(max_length=50)
>     status = models.CharField(max_length=20)
> *
> views.py*
> def book_tee_delete(request, object_id):
>     conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=my_db user=postgres password=sa 
> host=localhost")
>     cur = conn.cursor()
>     sql = "delete from booking where bookingId = '%s'"% (object_id)
>     cur.execute(sql)
>     conn.commit()
>     conn.close()
>     return HttpResponseRedirect("/timetable")
> def edit_book_tee(request, object_id, model):
>     booking = Booking.objects.get(pk=int(object_id))
>     template_name = 'edit_form.html'
>     t = loader.get_template(template_name)
>     c = RequestContext(request, {"obj": booking, "id":object_id})
>     return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
> def save_edit(request):
>     time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
>     if request.POST['submit'] == 'Save':
>          bookingid = request.POST['id']
>          golfclubname = request.POST['golfclubname1']
>          status = request.POST['status1']
>          conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=my_db user=postgres password=sa 
> host=localhost")
>          cur = conn.cursor()
>          sql = "UPDATE booking SET golfClubName='%s', status='%s WHERE 
> bookingId='%s'" %(golfclubname,status,bookingid)
>          cur.execute(sql)        
>          conn.commit()
>          conn.close()
>     else:        #for delete
>         bookingid = request.POST['id']
>         conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=my_db user=postgres password=sa 
> host=localhost")
>         cur = conn.cursor()
>         sql = "delete from chasingbirdies_booking where bookingId = '%s'" % 
> (bookingid)
>         cur.execute(sql)
>         conn.commit()
>         conn.close()
>     return HttpResponseRedirect("/timetable")
> <snip> 
My question would be, how do I transform templates on the Edit/Delete link 
> into Forms, (my other question would be, is there any way I could show my 
> css using templates on Edit?)?
> Thanks in advance!

This doesn't make sense either. What do you mean, "transform templates into 
forms"? If you want a form on the edit link, then create one in the view and 
pass it to the template.

Also, why on earth are you using raw SQL in your update/delete views? You're 
not doing anything complicated, you should be doing all of that via the ORM. 
*Especially* as the way you have done it leaves you wide open to SQL 
injection attacks.

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