I have an Announcement class in my project that has an author field.
I have a custom formfield_for_foreignkey which gets all staff users
for any super user, and I do the same thing for other staff users.
Ideally however we could set this to be only the existing author (if
any) or the current user.  That way under the Advanced Fields an
existing Announcment would already have the old user filled in or they
could change it to themselves.  Currently this seems impossible in
Django ... I can limit it to just the current user, but the user will
always be changed when those users edit and save an Announcement
(since I have it auto-fill in to be the current user when no author is
specified on the save_model and save_formset).  Well I still see no
way around this so presently I give all staff Uses the full list
despite not wanting to :-/

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