        We're trying to do some reports of various things, and one of the 
common issues we have is to do statistics on a per day or per-month basis - A 
google search for various terms finds quite a few stackoverflow people trying 
to do the same thing and not a lot of people are getting any success without 
reverting to rawsql, which I don't really want to do.

I've made the smallest example I can here (on the end of this email), which is 
a model file and a management command that goes with it. I've created two 
linked (one to many) models, 'Article' with many 'Comments' - I want to know 
how many comments have been made on each article per day (and preferably 
efficiently without having to do a query per day with a specific filter).

Effectively, the code that I think *should work* is is:

        query = Comment.objects.values( "article__title",  

The error i get is:

" django.core.exceptions.FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'made_at__year' 
into field. Choices are: article, author, id, made_at, message "

What are my options?

Best Regards

Smallest app demonstrating issue:

Models (stest/models.py)

from django.db import models

# Create your models here.

class Article (models.Model):
        title = models.TextField()
        body = models.TextField()
class Comment (models.Model):
        message = models.TextField()
        author = models.TextField()
        made_at = models.DateTimeField()
        article = models.ForeignKey(Article)
Command (stest/management/commands/stats.py)

from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.db.models import Count
from stest.models import Article, Comment
from datetime import datetime

class Command(BaseCommand):
   args = ''
   help = 'Testing stats run'

   def handle(self, *args, **options):
       print "Running Stats"

       # Can use a filter to narrow down - but don't really mind in this 
       # base_query = Comment.objects.filter(
       #        made_at__gte=date_from,
       #        made_at__lt=date_to
       #    )

       # If I want to query per author per article (this works):
       query = Comment.objects.values( "article__title",  

       for row in query:
           print "%s : %s : %s comments" % (row["article__title"], 
row["author"], row["comments"])

       # if I want to query by day per article (this fails)
       query = Comment.objects.values( "article__title",  

       for row in query:
           print "%s : %s : %s comments" % (row["article__title"], 
row["made_at"], row["comments"])

       # django.core.exceptions.FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 
'made_at__year' into field. Choices are: article, author, id, made_at, message

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