On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 12:02 AM, David Chandek-Stark
<dchandekst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Function-based generic views provided an "extra_context" keyword argument to
> add variables to the template context.  It appears that under the initial
> implementation of class-based generic views in Django 1.3, there are two
> major differences:
> 1. To add extra context, you have to subclass and override
> get_context_data(); and,
> 2. Extra variables are added to the "params" context variable, not directly
> (so to speak) to the context.
> Do I have this right?  If so, #1 seems to violate the DRY principle.

I don't think DRY means what you think it means. (1) doesn't force you
to repeat anything -- it's just requires a particular way of defining
extra context.

>  Why
> not add an "extra_context" attribute to the TemplateResponseMixin class?

Because extra context can't always be expressed like that. One of the
problems with function-based generic views is that there was certain
types of context data -- for example, anything that required a runtime
lookup (such as calls to reverse()) or anything that required access
to request variables (e.g., the current user).

That said -- there's an argument to be made that get_context should
fall back in the same way that get_template_names() falls back to the
template_name attribute. That way, any view for which a simple context
is possible could continue to use the simple approach, but there's
flexibility if you need it.

If you open a ticket, this idea won't be forgotten; it's also a fairly
minor change, so if you want to try your hand at a patch, it would be
an easy way to get involved with Django development.

Russ Magee %-)

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