On Fri, 2006-08-11 at 21:56 +1000, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:


> In fact, despite you giving me all this extra information (thanks!), now
> that I'm concentrating, it's actually a little bit clearer what the
> problem is. The order_by(...) clause is a little inconsistent with the
> other query constructs. If you want to join with another table's field,
> just use a period as the separator (see
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/db_api/#order-by-fields )
> So, I suspect that 
>         return self.order_by('-photo.rating')
> should work for you (or at least come closer: again, looking at the
> generated SQL is often very helpful when debugging these sorts of
> things).
> I realise the above seems a bit counter-intuitive and it's a bit hidden
> in the documentation. I'm not really sure what the solution is to that
> beyond recommending that people read the docs *really* carefully (which
> adds a bit to the learning curve). I'd forgotten about this subtlety
> when I was reading your initial post this morning, so apologies for the
> request for all this extra information I probably didn't need.

Ahh! So simple! I'll admit I didn't find that part in the docs, I guess
I subconsciously assumed I needed the double underscore.

I got it all working by changing the manager to:

class AlbumPhotoManager(models.Manager):
    def top_rated(self):
        return self.select_related().order_by('-albums_photo.rating')

I had to prefix the table with the app name (as per docs), and also had
to use select_related() since the default queryset didn't have the
related fields selected.

Thanks again Malcolm, your help is much appreciated.



P.S. Also nice to see Django is well represented down under :-)

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