I am working on a GeoDjango project. I have a model.py wich extend the
user model and contains a MultiPolygonField

class Membre(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)

    #some other attributes

    mpoly = models.MultiPolygonField()
    objects = models.GeoManager()

class MembreForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Membre
        exclude = ('user',)

The form for this model works fine in the admin site. I am now
building the front office for it.
The problem that I'am facing is that in the resulting form I get a
mpoly (the mutipolygonfield) as a text area, I am facing the same
problem as:


I tryed to use OpenLayer script in my template to simply plot a
OpenLayer map but it didn't work (it worked for simple html pages). Is
there a GeoDjango specific tag to do that?

I think there is maybe a way to do this by using the (GeoDjango Admin
widget) but how to do it?

How can I use google map api for this field in both admin site and the
template I'm working on?

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