
Russell Keith-Magee writes:

> [...]
> No - there isn't a plan to address this, because it isn't clear
> what "this" is.
> While it is known that there has been a slowdown between versions,
> that slowdown has been accompanied by a massive increase in
> functionality -- for example, the 1.1->1.2 transition introduced
> support for multiple databases. To the best of my knowledge, the
> performance slowdown highlighted by Eric at Djangocon was
> relatively small - 5-10%, not on the order of 30-50%
> slowdown. This matches with my personal experience of upgrading.

Does anybody have estimates or figures concerning the impact of
middleware?  I love the middleware framework and I make extensive
use of it but sometimes I'm afraid it slows down every request
significantly, especially if you have a project with cheap view

And then, the number of "canonical" middleware has increased between
Django versions as far as I can see.


Torsten Bronger    Jabber ID: torsten.bron...@jabber.rwth-aachen.de
                                  or http://bronger-jmp.appspot.com

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