On 25/04/2011 7:15am, Kenny Meyer wrote:
Hello guys,

In my application models I have two models, Judge and Participant:

Another way might be to use django groups. Have a participant group and a judge group and pop your users into one or the other.

I prefer this approach for my own purposes because it means the user can be either or both. When it comes right down to it they are both users.


   from django.contrib.auth.models import User

   class Judge(User):

   class Participant(User):

In my view I want to find out if the authenticated user is either a
Judge or a Participant. How can I do that?

I have done the following, and it works most of the time for me:

def index(request):
     user = request.user
     if user.is_authenticated():
         if user.is_superuser:
             return redirect('/admin')

         judge = None
         participant = None
         competition = None
             participant = user.participant or None
             judge = user.judge or None
             if participant:
                 competition = participant.competition
             if judge:
                 competition = judge.competition
         except Participant.DoesNotExist, e:
         except Judge.DoesNotExist, e:
         except Exception, e:
     # Do some more stuff...

But this is ugly. It would be cool if you could come up with better ideas.


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