Hi all-

I have a problem that is driving me to the brink of insanity.

I'll preface this with the fact that running the built-in server
everything works fine. I encounter this issue running it via fastcgi
and lighttpd.
I will paste in all relevant info at the bottom.

In short, the workflow scheme is like this:

-take a url and encode it say like this: http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com/
-send it to django via url/http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com/
-urls.py reads in that and sends anything after url/ to a view
-this view handles the url and does some things with it for the
database model

running with the built-in server i can return and httpresponse with my
request data and get the proper:
but running with fastcgi i get:

this breaks lots of code for me.

I can't figure out what is going on that it's getting stripped of one
of the / (or %2F).

Here is all the relevant information I could think of.

=> the attempted url:

=> expect (and receive when running built-in)

=> get when running via fastcgi

=> urls.py part:
url(r'^url/(?P<stump>\S+)/$', 'shortener.views.submit'),

=> lighttpd accesslog info:
"GET /url/http%3A%2F%2F%2Fgoogle.com/ HTTP/1.1" 200 120 "-"

=> view part:
def submit(request,stump):
        stump_clean = bleach.clean(stump)
        this_stump = smart_str(stump_clean)
        return HttpResponse("%s %s %s " % (stump,stump_clean,this_stump))

=> view httpresponse:
 http:/google.com http:/google.com http:/google.com

=> lighty stanza:
$HTTP["host"] =~ "__myDOMAIN__" {
  server.document-root = "/home/blahblah/Stumpy/"
  fastcgi.server = ( ".fcgi" =>
                     ( "localhost" => (
                         "socket" => "/var/lib/lighttpd/stumpy-fastcgi.socket",
                         "bin-path" => "/home/blahblah/Stumpy/
                         "check-local" => "disable",
                         "min-procs" => 2,
                         "max-procs" => 4,
  alias.url = ( "/static/admin"  => "/home/blahblah/django/contrib/
admin/media/" )
  url.rewrite-once = ( "^(/static/.*)$" => "$1",
                       "^/favicon\.ico$" => "/static/favicon.ico",
                       "^(/.*)$" => "/stumpy.fcgi$1" )

=> fcgi script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os

sys.path.insert(0, "..")

os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = "/tmp/"

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "settings"

from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
runfastcgi(["method=threaded", "daemonize=false"])

Again, I don't have any problems if i run via "python manage.py
runserver" and use the built-in.
I only have this stripping problem via the fastcgi method.

Any help would be miraculous. I've been yanking hair out over this for
a while!
Thanks so much in advance for any input!

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