On Tuesday, May 3, 2011 4:42:25 PM UTC-4, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> Hi Jeff --
> To make the admin work w/r/t sites, you'll need three things:
> * An entry in the sites table.
> * A setting SITE_ID set to the ID of the Site entry you'd like to use
> (i.e. SITE_ID = 1).
> * `django.contrib.sites` in your INSTALLED_APPS

Thanks Jacob -- does the site entry in the database have to be anything 
specific?  We don't really use that.  Just put any old thing in there via 
Admin in the development server?

I have a SITE_ID = 1 in settings.py from, I assume, when the project was 
made.  I suspect when I deleted the 'example.com' site last week, that broke 
the relationship, no?

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