On May 8, 7:16 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <ja...@jacobian.org> wrote:
> On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Adam Seering <aseer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have some Python code that generatesinitialdatafor some of my tables; I
> > currently call that code from a post_syncdb hook. In Django 1.3, it looks 
> > like
> > Django now calls TRUNCATE (or an equivalent non-PostgreSQL-ism) on all 
> > tables
> > after running syncdb and all of itspost- hooks.
> That... doesn't sound right. Here's all the SQL syncdb executes (for a
> simple app with one table); notice the distinct lack of any TRUNCATE
> statement.
> Are you perhaps talking about doing this during testing? If so, you're
> looking for unittest's setUp 
> method:http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase.setUp.

Oh, sorry, yeah; let me clarify:

Our code has initial database data that it needs in general to operate
as intended, during tests or otherwise.  Mostly (though not
exclusively) to do with a plugins system; scanning a subdirectory for
matching .py files and detecting the features that they export is a
little expensive, particularly in the critical path of page-rendering;
much faster to do it once in advance.  The TRUNCATE is during tests,

If we were to use TestCase.setUp, I would need to modify each of our
test classes to call each of our post_syncdb data-set-up hooks.  This
seems inelegant somehow; someone's going to forget one, and it's
redundant work (and so slower tests) because most of our tests aren't
TransactionTestCases and so don't need to re-create all of the data.

I could monkeypatch TestCase, and possibly even patch some hooks into
django.core.management.flush.Command.handle_noargs or
django.db.backends.*.DatabaseOperations.sql_flush to know when data
has been flushed so that I don't have to restore it unnecessarily.
That feels complicated and fragile, though; I'm not a fan if I can
avoid it...

If the appropriate signals existed in the test framework, I could hook
them and do something mildly creative and achieve the same effect as
the above using public API's and no monkeypatching.  Unfortunately, it
looks like they don't exist just yet; I just gave Trac #14319 a gentle
poke along those lines.

All of these seem way too complicated, though.  Am I missing the
forest for the trees?; is there a simpler solution here?


(Incidentally, sorry if this is a duplicate; my original reply,
identical text, doesn't show up on groups.google.com...)

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