On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 9:00 AM, DK <cypre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having a django project that  is being frequently deployed on clean
> linux installation. After a few deployments I have noticed that this process
> is very time consuming for me (every time I am preparing run scripts for
> everything, configuring cronjobs, paths to log files, etc) but this could
> be easily automated.
> What are a ready solutions to manage such deployments?
> My typical workflow is:
> 1) install packages on debian/ubuntu via aptitude (like database, etc)
> 2) creating new virtualenv + getting pip
> 3) pip install -r requirements (to setup enviroment)
> 4) fetch django project from code repository
> 5) setup runtime dir (I keep there: run - for pid files, logs, conf - for
> some config variables or scritps, scripts - some starting srcipts)
> 6) setup crontab jobs
> 7) setup webserver + django wsgi to be started
> Sure - I can write some custom made installer for that, but wondering if
> there is some generic tool for such things.
I really think that writing custom bash script is the easiest way. I'm doing
it right now because I need quick and idiot proof way of deploying Django
based project. Be sure to do some preliminary tests of your environment.

I also recommend you deploying a virtual machine for Ubuntu/Debian (if it's
what you want or can do).

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