I'm writing a basic login form using the Django built in
authentication system, but my own login form.  This may be a mistake,
but it can't hurt to learn how to get it to work? :)

I have this Django Form:

class SignInForm(forms.Form):
    username = forms.CharField(label='User Name', max_length=30)
    password = forms.CharField(label='Password', max_length=30,

One of the things I'm not sure how to handle is the idea of
redisplaying the form with an error if the login doesn't succeed.  The
fields will validate alright, but the authentication may fail.  Rather
than redirect to a failure page when I call authenticate(), I would
like to return the user to the sign in page and display an error
message.  Is this something I should treat as a custom validation
issue for this form?  If so, I've seen mention of a clean_message
function on djangobook.com for 1.0, but it's not in the documentation
for 1.3...is this an old idea I should avoid?

I've tried to track down this information (new to Django and web dev)
and I'm certainly not expecting a spoon-fed answer.  A nudge in the
right direction would be most appreciated. :)

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