
I hope this question isn't too obscure.

I have a base model  (not abstract) called BasicPost. I have a model
inheriting from it called PostWithImage. BasicPost has a couple of  generic

In models.py:

class BasicPost(models.Model):
   authors = generic.GenericRelation(OrderedCredit,
                                      blank=True, null=True)
   tags = generic.GenericRelation(TaggedItem, verbose_name=_('tags'),
                                      blank=True, null=True)

class PostWithImage(BasicPost):

In admin.py:

class TaggedItemInline(generic.GenericTabularInline):
    model = TaggedItem

class OrderedCreditInline(generic.GenericTabularInline):
   ... # same concept as above

class BasicPostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [OrderedCreditInline, TaggedItemInline]

class PostWithImageAdmin(BasicPostAdmin):

When I save an object on the PostWithImage admin screen, it sets the
content_type of my generic fields equal to PostWithImage. However if I want
to now retrieve all posts (irrespective of whether they're a BasicPost,
PostWithImage or any other kind of post) with a particular tag, I run into
problems. No simple query will do it, because the tags are pointing to a
bunch of different models. I have found a workaround, but it's ugly and make
expensive database hits. Is there a way I can coerce the admin interface
into saving the tags with content_type pointing to the base class, i.e.



PS: Here's the ugly workaround. Very difficult for a programmer to decipher
and I suspect it generates very expensive database hits.

class BasicPost(models.Model)

    def get_related_posts(self):
        tags = self.tags.all()

        return BasicPost.objects.filter(
                [t.object_id for t in
                    TaggedItem.objects.filter(tag__name__in=[t.tag.name for
t in tags])
                        if isinstance(t.content_type.model_class()(),

# Note that I'm using model_utils, hence the select_subclasses method.

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