Sorry if this might have been addressed before in a similar manner,
but I was curious as to what some others' thoughts were or what their
practices might be in this situation.

I have some bookmarklets and other javascript files in a /static/
directory. This are then linked in a view so that a user could drag
and drop into their toolbar.

Now, in other scenarios where I might be generating links, I simply
pipe in the domain (if needed) via Sites. However, in a static JS file
I obviously do not use a templating setup and thus cannot pipe in a

For now, in testing and personal use, I've just hardcoded in my domain
for these types of scenarios. However, what are some options for doing
this when I am pushing this code out for others to use.

[Example: bookmarklet use for a Django URL shortener -

Thanks in advance for any comments/suggestions.  I had some ideas in
mind, but thought it might be interesting to see what other people
were doing for these types of situations.

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