On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 7:48 AM, jay K. <jay.developer2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am not a django developer, but I have a background on html, css,
> javascript, jquery and php.
> I was wondering if you can help me with a question regarding django,
> since I'm working on a website built on django (which was not started
> by me)
> I want to store a django object into a javascript array. So far I have
> this code:
> In my template file:
> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8">
> var map_schools = {{ city.school_set.all }};
> </script>
> Unfortunately the django object is not stored as desired, but instead
> it gets stored like the following:
> var map_schools = [&lt;School: Oxford, Eckersley&gt;]
[<School: Oxford, Eckersley>] is the printable representation of your query
set (what you get when you call city.school_set.all()) -- what you need to
do is build up a JavaScript literal that you can insert into the code. There
are two fairly simple ways of doing this:

1. Use a loop in the template:

var map_schools = [{% for school in city.school_set.all %}"{{
school|escapejs }}"{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}];

You'll notice a couple of things there:
  - there is a "for" loop there, to iterate over all of the schools in the
result set
  - the quotes are present in the template, to make sure that the school
names are strings in the JavaScript
  - there is a test after every string to see if a "," is needed as a
separator (some javascript implementations are not very forgiving if you put
a comma after the last element)
  - Every school name is passed through the "escapejs" filter, to avoid
breaking out of the string.

2. Construct a JSON string in python:

In your view, do something like this:

    from django.utils.simplejson import dumps
    school_list = dumps([school.name for school in city.school_set.all()])

and then add school_list to the context variables that are passed to the
template. Then in the template, you can just use {{ school_list }}, and it
will be a properly formatted JavaScript array.

Ian Clelland

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