Hi all,

I looked into Django for a specific task, but before I get too deep I
want to make sure it is possible. We already have a site that does
what we need (http://depts.washington.edu/uwcl/matrix/customize/
matrix.cgi), but it is written entirely in custom, proprietary code,
and it is getting difficult to maintain.

We need the following features:
  * large, multi-page form (too many fields to fit on one page)
  * dynamic forms (ability to add more fields on demand)
  * non-sequential entry (users can jump back and forth filling it in)
  * serialization (the serialized output is sent to our existing
backend, or the user can download it)
  * deserialization (the user can upload a file that fills in field

We don't currently use a database backend, as longterm storage of
entered data is not a high priority. It mostly takes the form input,
produces output, and is done.

It seems Form Wizards allow multi-page forms, but are geared towards
sequential entry (fill out page 1, submit, fill out page 2, etc). Is
it possible to jump from one subpage to another, allowing data from
each page to affect other pages? I also found some tutorials on
serialization, but I didn't see much on deserializing a file back to
form field values. Is this possible?

Thanks for any help!

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