On Jun 14, 6:28 pm, Andre Terra <andrete...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If all you need translating is README.rst, here goes:
> Django Admin Report
> Django Admin Report is a small django application that allows for easy
> exporting of PDF reports through the admin interface.
> Dependencies
> -Pisa (http://www.xhtml2pdf.com/)
> Installation
>    1. Download the application
>    2. Add the package "report" to your path.
> Usage
> - In your application's admin.py, import the following 'action' like so:
> from report.actions import report_generic
> - Also in admin.py, in your model's ModelAdmin specify a variable called
> "list_report" that should contain an iterable with the model attributes that
> should appear on the report, e.g.
>  list_report = ('some_attribute', 'other_attribute', )
> - Finally, make sure you also add the aforementioned 'action' to your
> ModelAdmin's list of actions, like so:
> actions = [report_generic, ]
> -------------------
> I should add that some screenshots would go a long way!
> Cheers,
> André Terra
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 5:59 AM, Derek <gamesb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Jun 9, 9:13 pm, Leonardo da Costa Santos
> > <leonardocsant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Good morning guys!
> > > I came to share with you the Django Admin Report ... she is a little
> > Django
> > > app that makes it easy to export reports in PDF using the administration
> > > interface of django.
> > > The idea is to just tell the class of directors which is the list of
> > template
> > > fields to be exported (list_report) and add a generic action
> > (report_generic
> > > ), which he does the rest alone. With this you use the filters bassta
> > > administration and research and select the lines that go to the report by
> > > clicking on the action (Generating report net) PDF will appear in your
> > > browser to be downloaded!
> > > You can encortrar the sources here:
> >https://github.com/leonardocsantoss/django-admin-report
> > > Today in list_report attributes can be passed either as methods ... Yet
> > he can
> > > not print an attribute of a foreign key ... This will be the next step
> > > would the
> > > project!
> > Leonardo
> > This looks to be useful; can you please translate the Git page into
> > English?
> > Thanks!

Andre -it would be great if you could contribute this back to the
project; and maybe offer to translate the other pages too.  I think he
would get more traction if the docs were in English.


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