On Tuesday, 21 June 2011 13:16:47 UTC+1, Satyajit Sarangi wrote:
> Lets say one template helps me in uploading a file . When I go to an app 
> called permissions , directly from that template . I want to carry that file 
> name with me , so that I can assign permissions to it . 
You really don't make it easy to help you, do you?

Firstly, why are you thinking in terms of templates? A template is a file 
that (usually) produces HTML to render some or all of a page's contents. It 
has nothing to do with uploading or navigation.

Secondly, what does it even mean to "go to an app called permissions, 
directly from that template"? How will you get to this "app" from that 

I *think* what you mean is that you have a view that deals with file 
uploading, and another one (for some reason) that deals with assigning 
permissions on uploaded files. Why you don't do it at the same time is 
anyone's guess. But presumably, in your uploading view, you redirect 
somewhere after the form is submitted. Why can't you just redirect to the 
new "app" (sic) from there? You can pass parameters in the URL of the 
redirect in the normal way.

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