On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:34 PM, T'mas <tomas.deb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> sorry. Problem is not User object but login from django.contrib.auth.
> login(request,user)
You've haven't included any of the traceback from the maximum recursion
depth exceeded, nor any of your code, so all anyone can do to help is guess.
I'd guess you've defined your own login function, inside of which you are
trying to call the django.contrib.auth login that you presumably imported
earlier in your code. But since you have subsequently defined your own
login, that name is now bound to your new function, not djano.contrib.auth
login. Your function's call to login calls itself, which calls itself, which
calls itself, etc. until finally Python says enough.

If that's not exactly what is happening then please try examining the
traceback to see what's happening in the code: it's showing you exactly
what's getting called from where, and the source of the infinite recursion
will be evident in that traceback. If it is not, post at least a portion of
the traceback to give people who might help something to work with.


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