On 16/08/2006, at 10:55 AM, Corey Oordt wrote:

Don't store your .pyc in the repository.

the easiest way to avoid doing this it to
a) fix up your svn:ignore in your repo to ignore them
b) edit ~/.subversion/config and uncomment the line 'global-ignores' and make it 

global-ignores = *.pyc *.pyo .*.swp *.o *.lo *.la *~ #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store
Create a settings.default.py and store it in the repository.

or have your settings.py include separate files with the specific options.

SECRET_KEY = open('/home/iholsman/.secret').read().strip()
which will make it easier to propogate changes through.


Each user can then maintain slightly different settings

On Aug 15, 2006, at 6:50 PM, alex kessinger wrote:

I want to thank you for all your anwsers it has been very helpfull.  I
also have another question. I am new to the python language, but is it
okay to store thre .pyc files in subversion. also how do you guys
handle different settings.py files amongest developers.

Ian Holsman
http://med-chatter.com/ it's about the medicine

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