On Jun 24, 11:57 am, Wim Feijen <wimfei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looking at it again, I saw what was wrong and fixed it! For
> completeness, I moved the NewsItem query within the NewsItemBlockNode

FWIW, code at the module top-level is only executed when the module is
first imported. Now you'll know ;)

> and everything works fine! The current code is:
> import re
> from django.template import Variable, VariableDoesNotExist, Node,
> Library, Template, TemplateSynta
> from django.conf import settings
> from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
> from django.utils.html import escape
> from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
> register = Library()
> from cms.news.models import NewsItem
> from django.db.models import Q
> from datetime import datetime
> class NewsItemBlockNode(Node):
>     def __init__(self, identifier, field):
>         self.identifier = str(identifier)
>         self.field      = str(field)
>         self.image      = False
>     def render(self, context):
>         try:
>             newsitems = NewsItem.objects.filter(Q(expires_at__gt =
> datetime.now()) | Q(expires_at_
>         except:

Never use a bare except clause, unless you reraise the exception.

>             newsitems = None
>         number  = -1
>         numbers = {
>             'large':       0,
>             'large-small': 0,
>             'small1':      1,
>             'small2':      2,
>             'small3':      3,
>             'small4':      4,
>             'medium':      5,
>         }
>         # Only image
>         if self.field == 'teaser-image':
>             self.field = 'teaser'
>             self.image = True

Never change a Node's attributes from within the render method - this
will screw you sooner or later. Use local variables instead (with the
added bonus of improved performances - local variables are way faster
than attribute lookups).

>         if self.identifier in numbers:
>             number = numbers[self.identifier]
>         try:
>             newsitem = getattr(newsitems[number], self.field)
>             if type(newsitem).__name__ == 'datetime':

you may want to read about "isintance"

>                 if self.identifier in ['medium', 'large']:

use a tuple instead of a list - it's cheaper.

>                     newsitem = newsitem.strftime('%d [%m] %Y')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[01]', 'januari')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[02]', 'februari')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[03]', 'maart')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[04]', 'april')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[05]', 'mei')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[06]', 'juni')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[07]', 'juli')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[08]', 'augustus')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[09]', 'september')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[10]', 'oktober')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[11]', 'november')
>                     newsitem = newsitem.replace('[12]', 'december')

You may want to have a read at Django's and Python's localisation

>                     newsitem = newsitem.upper()
>                 else:
>                     newsitem = newsitem.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
>             if self.image:
>                 # Filter only image
>                 src = re.search('<img(.+)src="(.*?)"(.+)/>', newsitem)

regexps are not the safest way to parse html.

>                 if src and src.group(2):
>                     newsitem = src.group(2)
>                 else:
>                     newsitem = '/media/site/img/blank.gif'

Use named urls and reverse() instead - unless you are happy with
maintenance headache, of course ;)

>             elif self.field == 'teaser':
>                 # Filter image
>                 newsitem = re.sub('<img (.+) />', '', newsitem)
>                 newsitem = re.sub('<a.*?>', '', newsitem)
>                 newsitem = re.sub('</a>', '', newsitem)
>                 newsitem = re.sub('&nbsp;', '', newsitem)

Proverbial SquaredWheel alert. Django (and Python) have safer ways to
strip a text from HTML tags and entities.

>         except:

Same as above. Exceptions and traceback are here to HELP you fixing
your code, so don't shoot yourself in the foot by silently passing


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