If you split your translation strings into separate files, e.g.


manage.py compilemessages will compile them successfully to create .mo files BUT django (1.3) will not load them. It expects to see ONE file called django.mo - it will not load the other mo files and if there is no django.mo file then no translations are loaded.

A possible step would be to split the files then simply concatenate them together, using a custom management command, before calling compilemessages. That would make it easier to manage the translations but at the cost of an extra step in preparing for deployment.

Stuart MacKay
Lisbon, Portugal

On 24/06/2011 15:45, Gelonida wrote:
On 6/24/2011 1:54 PM, Thomas M wrote:
Hello django users,

I want to use the django internationalization module to translate
stuff. The problem is the large .po file with all the django related
stuff the translator shouldnt see.
Is there a way to split up those .po files so we've got a file with
only our translations?

Thank you in advance,
Thomas M

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I thought it's enough to just create a
locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/django.po file
in your project tree

and then call manage.py makemessages -s -l <lang>

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