On Jun 27, 8:18 pm, Kyle Latham <kly.lat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am pretty new to Django and Python.

Then I strongly suggest you take some time learning Python. I mean,
pure Python, without Django.

> I'm wanting to create a Django app that displays different tables in
> my MySQL database, and the user can search through the tables for info
> they want.
> I haven't written any code yet,


> I'm doing research on the approach I
> have to take.

Knowledge comes from experience, and experience comes from practice.
Until you get some hands-on experience with both Python and Django,
your "research" is mostly a waste of time. FWIW, Django is pretty well
documented, and if you

1/ have some working experience with web programming (say, raw PHP /
MySQL, or CGI, or whatever) and
2/ do the tutorial

then you should know enough to start writing your app. Possibly not
the best way, but it still should work, and you'll learn how to
rewrite your app in better way in the process.

> Is the only way I am able to display a table from the
> MySQL database in Django by creating a template and importing the data
> to the template?

You don't even need a template - you can build the response content
how you see fit. Templates are just handy for most text (including
HTML) formatting, but that's all. And you (usually) don't "import data
to the template", you *pass* data (well, actually, python objects,
which is not quite the same thing) to the template, render it and
build a response from the result.

> Is there a another/better approach towards displaying
> a MySQL table in the Django app?

Django is not server page, it's a Model/Presentation framework. The
request/response cycle goes like:

1/ the framework finds an view matching the url pattern
2/ it calls the view with the request and possibly a couple arguments
computed from the url and the pattern
3/ the view returns a response

And that's it. The templating system is just here to help you
formatting your response's body.

Ok, it's half truth and half lie - using custom tags and context
processors you can do much more than "formatting data" with Django's
template system -, but still, Django is NOTHING like server page
systems (PHP, ASP 1.x etc), and the very core of Django is url
patterns matching, views, requests and responses. If you hope to make
the best use of Django, first learn to do things the Django way
instead of fighting against it. Trying to write PHP / ASP / whatever
server page system in Django will  be at best a very frustrating

This being said: template-driven code is *sometimes* just the
RightThing to do, and this is something you can indeed do in Django
(if you know how to) - but I don't think it's how you will better
solve your problem. FWIW, Django already has some support foer very
generic "table display / filter / search" features in the admin app,
and this is NOT template-driven code (but it's OSS so you can read the
source - but beware, serious Python knowledge required).


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