On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Soviet <soviet1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I need to set up EC2 instance to run Django+Python+PostgreSQL+Apache
> +Solr+nginx+Mercurial etc. This is all black magic for me - I was only
> using shared hosting like webfaction, where everything is dumb-
> friendly :). But you know, "the customer is always right", and I have
> to run it on Amazon. I did hours of googling, but everything is either
> old/outdated or doesn't cover the tools I have to install. So far I'm
> stuck on connecting to my instance through PuTTY :D.
> Can anyone provide some useful link or step by step tutorial? I have
> no experience using Unix command-line-stuff, but im a fast learner :).
> Any help would be appreciated. Also, beer is on me when we meet! :)

An easy way to practice learning how to admin linux servers is to
download virtualbox and then download a server image (*.iso) from your
linux distro of choice (I prefer the Ubuntu/Debian side of things..
rec Ubuntu server). You can set up and then destroy without doing any
damage so you can easily setup again. The only way to learn this stuff
is to just get your hands dirty... it's not hard just kind of hard to
google generally. It's better to have specific errors to google for.

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