On 5 Lug, 22:57, bruno desthuilliers <bruno.desthuilli...@gmail.com>
> On 5 juil, 21:54, drakkan <drakkan1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (snip)
> > or django/python is simply much slower than java?
> According to most benchmarks, Python (that is: current canonical
> implementation of...) is indeed way "slower" than Java (idem), that's
> a fact. FWIW, according to the same benchmarks, Java is slower than C+
> +, which is slower than C, which can be slower than your-platform-
> highly-optimized-assembly-code - but you need to be very good at hand-
> optimizing assembly code to beat any decent C compiler.  You may
> notice a pattern here (if you don't, try implementing a simple blog in
> assembly, then port it to a different platform, and come back when
> you're done <g>).
> To make a long story short: if you're looking for raw execution speed,
> forget about Java and go for C - and let us know when you'll have a
> working prototype.

Bruno, I'm talking about an high level framework such as play (http://
www.playframework.org/). Develop an application with play is as simple
as a django one, until now I used django and I like python more than
java and I want to understand if I'm doing something wrong or if is
the framework/programming language that is performing so bad. I sent
my code to Xavier, I noticed now I sent a private email, if someone
other would like to see my test code I can resend the link to download
it, however is a really simple app that make two db queries and render
a template I cannot see anything wrong in it


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