Hi guys,

I've been trying your suggestions but I'm afraid I'm stretching the
limits of my Python/Django abilities ;-)

Bruno got it right: what I want is a queryset of "model" with distinct
docid having the highest version number, sorted by revisiondate.

If have the following result of my
found_entries = model.objects.filter((Q-
objects),obsolete=0).order_by('-version','docid') :

| pk | docid | version | revisiondate |
|  1 |     1 |       1 | 2000-02-10   |
|  2 |     2 |       1 | 2000-02-11   |
|  3 |     3 |       1 | 2000-02-12   |
|  4 |     3 |       3 | 2000-02-13   |
|  5 |     2 |       3 | 2000-02-14   |
|  6 |     1 |       3 | 2000-02-15   |

Then I want to retrieve only these results, sorted on revisiondate:

| pk | docid | version | revisiondate |
|  6 |     1 |       3 | 2000-02-15   |
|  5 |     2 |       3 | 2000-02-14   |
|  4 |     3 |       3 | 2000-02-13   |

My code does this, but the loop that selects the distinct docid's is
what makes it terribly slow...

Hope this clarifies it.

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