On 18 July 2011 15:41, Shawn Milochik <sh...@milochik.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 10:33 AM, bruno desthuilliers
> <bruno.desthuilli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Jul 18, 3:33 pm, Alexander Crössmann
> > <alexander.croessm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hi Malcom,
> >>
> >> I am not sure the management commands are what I want
> >
> > Strange enough, it seems that everyone starts by saying this and ends
> > up writing custom management commands ;)
> >
> Getting the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE correct is all that's needed. I've
> never created a management command, nor needed to.

While it's true you don't *need* to, my experience is it's better to.

Every time I've created a separate script to interact with a Django app, it
has subsequently been broken when I've changed something in the app. Usually
this has gone unnoticed until some inconvenient time.

If you make the script a management command, you have an easy way to build
tests for it right into your app, so that it's impossible (ok, hard) for
changes to break the script without you noticing.

So my advice: if you're actively developing your app, then make any scripts
that need to furtle about with the models management commands.


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