I got a model with a ForeignKey field, and I want the default listing
of this model to be ordered by this field.

I get the correct `qs.query` SQL statement, but for some reason the
admin listing is not following it. This is what I've done so far:

    class SomeAdminModel(admin.ModelAdmin):
        # ... fields

        def queryset(self, request):
            qs = super(SomeAdminModel, self).queryset(request)
            fk_list = [1,2,7,3,5,6,4]
            ordering = 'FIELD(`fk_field_id`, %s)' % ','.join(str(id)
for id in fk_list)
            qs = qs.filter(fk_field__in = fk_list).extra(
                select = {'ordering': ordering},
                order_by = ('ordering',)
            return qs

What can be preventing this from behave as desired? Do I need to
override anything else?

Thanks in advance.
Vinicius Massuchetto

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