I apologize in advance if this is actually a stupid question, but I'm
thoroughly stumped since yesterday about this.

First, it should be noted I come from a PHP background with a little
experience in Perl, and I'm learning Python since Sunday. Also, I'm

Python 2.7
Apache 2 (with mod_wsgi)
Django 1.3
Ubuntu 11.04

Ok now... I had django workin' perfectly, and then decided I wanted to
move the folder I was keeping my projects & apps in. So I deleted that
folder and made a new one, intending to begin over. At that time, I
also updated the path in the .wsgi file.

All runs fine when I run it as python manage.py runserver, but Apache
now gives me a 500 server error, which in the error.log says
"ImportError: Could not import settings 'combs.settings' (Is it on
sys.path?): No module named movies.settings". Even though the path to
the movies project is completely correct in the .wsgi file.

I've been trying to debug this since yesterday, and just today I
figured out that if I remake the original folder & move my project
there & update the path in .wsgi ... then Apache is happy with it.

I cannot make sense of this. Do I need to uninstall Django & then
reinstall it from scratch? I doubt it's a permissions problem, 'cause
I remade the directory & didn't chmod it differently. Did I have to
hard code something during install that I've forgotten about since? My
head is spinning with all these things to do to keep Django working
that I can't remember half of what I did... altho, when I look back on
the instructions I followed, I can't see anywhere that would get me to
make a hard link or anything.

Does anyone know how I can fix this so I can keep my projects in the
folder I want to keep them?

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