On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:57 AM, sasa1...@gmail.com <sasa1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, DR. But I tried that before and it did not work for some reason.
> It basically skips "if Answer.is_valid():" and goes to "else".
>    voss

I think this is because you are abusing your model form, and hence it
is not valid.

You should not be setting choices on a ModelMultipleChoiceField, you
should be supplying a queryset that describes the choices you want.
When validating the form, django will check that the submitted values
are contained in the ModelMultipleChoiceField's queryset.

Furthermore, ModelMultipleChoiceField will normally have id ->
description mapping, where as you have description -> description, eg
it should generate this HTML - <option value="2">London</option>,
where as you have it generating <option
value="London">London</option>. It's just wrong. I guess you are
trying to do this to control the label generated - you should be doing

So recap:
Don't assign choices to a ModelMultipleChoiceField, assign a queryset
Use a custom ModelMultipleChoiceField subclass to control how each
model is displayed.



[1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/ref/forms/fields/#modelchoicefield

I can't link to the block of text directly, look for this:

The __unicode__ method of the model will be called to generate string
representations of the objects for use in the field's choices; to
provide customized representations, subclass ModelChoiceField and
override label_from_instance. This method will receive a model object,
and should return a string suitable for representing it.

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