On 08/28/2011 12:00 AM, Scott Danzig wrote:
> Gelonida N wrote:
>> So before your three lines:
>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('otherlogger')
>>> logger.warn('hello')
>> you had to be sure, that the django settings and thus the logging
>> configuration has really been completed.
>> You could for example add following two lines before:
>>> from django.conf import settings
>>> LOGGING = settings.LOGGING # force import
>> The second line is needed, as the first line is a 'lazy import' and will
>> only read the settings and configure logging  when you access the first
>> time a element of settings.
>> I just used settings.LOGGING, as it should always exist, when you try to
>> log.
> Thanks Gelonida.. tried your suggestion and added those two lines before my
> import logging ... unfortunately no change.  Perhaps it's not
> straightforward.  Sounds like it wasn't obvious to you either.

That's weird.
This works fine for me.

Just some more things to test:

Is ee, that you didn't add a root logger in your
log config.

you could add following two handlers.

    'loggers': {
        # root loggers
        '': {
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'WARNING', # or 'DEBUG'
            'propagate': True,
        # not sure if this is really useful
        'root': {
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'WARNING', # or 'DEBUG'
            'propagate': True,

If this doesn't help you could add some print statements to be sure,
that your settings file is really read.

You could add a print statement after  the assignment of
LOGGING in settings.py

LOGGING={ .. ..}

and in your file.

print "CHECKPOINT 1"
from django.conf import settings
print "CHECKPOINT 2"
LOGGING = settings.LOGGING # force import
print "CHECKPOINT 3"
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('otherlogger')
print "CHECKPOINT 4"
print "CHECKPOINT 5"

What do you get as output?

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