
I am having issues with ipythin when I run

./manage.py shell
then ipython_config.py doesn't seem to be executed.

On the other hand if I run ipython directly the file is imported.

Am I missing something?

My setup:

$ find ~/.config/ipython/

The contents of

The first few lines are:
import time
print (("HELLO "*17)+"\n") * 20

I added the sleep statement in case, that the print statement woudl have
been overwritten.

If I start ipython,
then I see the HELLO text and a delay of 2 seconds happens


./manage.py shell

I don't see the output.

I n order to be sure, that there's nothing weird in my django project I
tested this also with an unmodified django project, which I just created

In order to reproduce just run once
create a
with a print statement

and start
# here you should see print statements of ./manage.py shell

then do:

django-admin startproject tstipython
cd tstipython
./manage.py shell
# here you do not see print statements of ./manage.py shell

Thanks in advance for any explanations.
I would really like to understand what exactly happens.

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