I'm playing around with Django at the moment and have a strange

There is a view function which basicly does nothing else than toggle a
boolean value in a model field - or at least should do so.

The field definition:

class Character(models.Model):
    ready = models.BooleanField(default=False)

The view function:

def character_toggle_ready(request, id):
    character = get_object_or_404(Character, pk=id)
    character.ready = not character.ready
    return redirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/accounts/

The url conf:
urlpatterns = patterns('',

In practice I want to have the ready-value toggled when clicking on a
hyperlink on my site. E.g. when clicking on '/character/toggle_ready/
1', the value should be toggled and then the view function should
redirect to the page before.

That works as intended, when I access the view from a template which
belongs to the app in which this view is definded. But strangely it
does not work if the link is in a different app. So, when the toggle-
view lies in the app 'accounts', it's no problem when accessing it
from a template that's rendered by another view of this app. But when
the template comes from the app 'core', it wouldn't save. The
redirection still works as a charm and also the object is retrieved
and the value is toggled, I've checked that with print-functions. But
after the save seems to be before the save.

Has anybody an idea what the reason for that behavior could be? Is the
save-function dependend on the passed request? Or am I overlooking

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