On Aug 22, 3:07 pm, Stephen Jackson <jackson.stephe...@gmail.com>
> I am new to the world of Django. I would like to hear from other django
> developers describe their dev environment (tools, os, editors, etc.).

OS: Mac OS X (Snow Leopard)
Editor: TextMate with ProjectPlus plugin, Eclipse+PyDev for debugging
ONLY (and rarely). All of the cross platform editors Eclipse/PyCharm/
NetBeans/Wing/Komodo/Eric4/SPE are too buggy and/or mac-unfriendly to
be useful day-to-day ... I really wish TextMate had better completion
like PyDev, and debugging :(
DB: sqlite, PostgreSQL (if I need GIS support), mysql (if I don't need
GIS support)
Source control: mercurial, using hooks for production deployment on
Apps: South (must have), rpc4django (must have), profiler middleware
(http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/1579/), djcelery + celery +
Other Tools: memcached (must have), logging module, closure compiler,
WebKit's WebInspector, virtualenv, Pixelmator, Photoshop, Sphinx (for
Deployment: turnkeylinux django image (Ubuntu 10 + apache2.2 +
mod_wsgi), Windows 7 + apache2.2 + mod_wsgi
Hosting: webfaction

I've been doing 100% django development for about two years now, and
am much relieved be free of C# and Java in my daily workflow.

- S -

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